Health Problems

History of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer has been known to mankind since ancient times. It has been mentioned in almost every period of recorded history. Because of the visible symptoms especially at later stages the lumps that progress to tumors have been recorded by physicians from early times. This is more so because, unlike other internal cancers, breast lumps […]

Health Problems

Malaria Causes

Malaria is caused by a parasite belonging to the Plasmodium family. The parasite can be spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes. There are numerous types of Plasmodium parasite, but only five types cause malaria in humans. These include:- Plasmodium falciparum This type is mainly found in Africa and is common cause of complicated and fatal malarias worldwide […]

Health Problems

Restenosis Treatment

Restenosis, a narrowing of a blood vessels, following angioplasty or stent placement is seen in up to 50% of patients. Cases are treated with with various options, including drugs, mechanical devices such as stents, genetic treatment such as gene transfer or infusion of stem cells, and combinations of the above. Recurrent stenosis may occur after […]

Health Problems

What is Hepatitis E?

Hepatitis E is a viral infection of the liver that causes inflammation of the organ. The Hepatitis E virus is a positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus with an icosahedral structure comprising a genome of 7.5 kilobases. It was initially classified as belonging to the Caliciviridae family but has since been classified as a member of the Hepeviridae family. […]

Health Problems

Infliximab and Crohn's Disease

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disorder that affects the lining of the gastrointestinal tract or gut. Inflammation is the process by which the body responds to irritation or injury and it can lead to pain, swelling and redness. Crohn’s disease is a chronic condition, meaning it is ongoing throughout a person’s life. However, a person […]

Health Problems

What is an Adenoma?

Adenoma is a type of non-cancerous tumor or benign that may affect various organs. It is derived from the word “adeno” meaning 'pertaining to a gland'. Every cell in the body has a tightly regulated system that dictates when it needs to grow, mature and eventually die off. Tumors and cancers occur when cells lose […]

Health Problems

Blood Transfusion Substitutes

Blood transfusion is associated with risks that can be avoided by using substitutes to blood transfusion. Furthermore, supplies of donor blood are limited and substitutes or alternatives to blood transfusion may help curb the shortages. Some of the alternatives to blood transfusion that are available include: Volume expanders Blood loss involves the loss of blood […]

Health Problems

Listeria Pathogenesis

Listeria monocytogenes represents a universal, fast-growing, gram-positive bacterium with a diverse ecological niche and host range. Infection of humans and animals with this microorganism is traced to contaminated foods and can lead to serious (often lethal) disease known as listeriosis. There are also other species of the Listeria genus; however, their link to human disease […]

Health Problems

Celecoxib History

Celecoxib belongs to a class of drugs called the Coxibs, which work by inhibiting the enzyme cycloxygenase-2 (COX-2). This enzyme is key to the production of prostanglandin, an important mediator of pain and inflammation. Some examples of interesting facts surrounding the discovery and use of celecoxib include: Celecoxib was developed by G. D Searle & […]

Health Problems

Avastin (Bevacizumab) Price

Avastin or bevacizumab is one of the most expensive drugs that is currently marketed. In many countries with national health services, the use of bevacizumab has been restricted based on cost-benefit calculations that suggest the drug is not cost-effective. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) does not approve of the NHS funding […]