Health Problems

Pregnancy Myths

Despite huge scientific and technological advances that have transformed the world of medicine, we still love to indulge in some old wives’ tales when it comes to pregnancy and childbirth. Thanks to modern technology, we now have prenatal medical testing to find out everything from the amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus to the […]

Health Problems

What is Familial Mediterranean Fever?

Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a genetic disorder that is caused by a gene mutation. Skip to What causes FMF? How is FMF managed? What complications does FMF cause? How does FMF present? FMF typically starts with repeated bouts of fever with abdominal, chest or joint pain. It gets its name from the fact that […]

Health Problems

Universal Numbering System for Teeth

Tooth numbering is a notation used by dentists to denote and specify information linked with a particular tooth. Using a tooth numbering system allows for easy identification, communication, and dental record maintenance in an easy and a precise manner. Tooth numbering serves various purposes like helping to identify and classify the condition associated with the […]

Health Problems

Does Type 2 Diabetes Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease?

There are many risk factors for dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. A majority of these are the same for cerebrovascular and cardiovascular pathologies, including obesity, hypertension (elevated blood pressure), hypercholesterolemia (elevated blood cholesterol), high sodium intake, and hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar levels). One major risk factor, therefore, for Alzheimer’s and dementia in general is type-2 diabetes […]

Health Problems

Can Deep Learning Predict Coma Outcome?

Patients in a coma are described as being in a state of unconsciousness from which they cannot be woken and are unresponsive. Typical causes of coma include stroke, seizures, severe head injury, infection of the brain such as encephalitis, or alcohol poisoning. Those with diabetes pose an additional risk of falling into a coma if […]

Health Problems

Antibodies and Huntington's: Diagnosis & Treatment

Huntington’s disease is a genetically inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by an autosomal dominant mutation in the huntingtin gene resulting in a trinucleotide (CAG) repeat expansion with over 40 repeats.   Normal brain and brain with Huntington's disease, showing enlarged ventricles and atrophy of nerve tissue and basal ganglia. Image Credit: Blamb / Shutterstock Symptoms Symptoms […]

Health Problems

Bronchiectasis Complications

Bronchiectasis is a condition in which the lung’s airways (bronchi) are dilated, causing an accumulation of mucus. This, in turn, makes the patient more vulnerable to infection, which can cause permanent damage. Most affected patients are middle-aged. Joshya | Shutterstock Treating bronchiectasis It is recommended that people with bronchiectasis avoid close contact with people suffering […]

Health Problems

Anticoagulant Food-Drug Interactions

Skip to What are anticoagulants? Vitamin K antagonists Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) Anticoagulants and vitamin K interactions Anticoagulants and alcohol interactions Anticoagulants and herbal supplement and vitamin interactions Summary A food-drug interaction is when a particular food or drink affects the way in which a certain medication works. The risks of food-drug interactions include preventing […]

Health Problems

Fluoroscopy Procedure

Fluoroscopy is a diagnostic scan used to study the movement of body structures. This article describes the medical procedure that takes place during a fluoroscopy. X-ray Barium enema showing normal colon mucosa. Image Credit: Richman Photo / Shutterstock What is fluoroscopy? Fluoroscopy shows a continuous X-ray image on a monitor, much like an X-ray movie. […]

Health Problems

Does Poor Sleep Worsen Arthritis?

Skip to: What is arthritis? The impact of lack of sleep The effect that lack of sleep can have on arthritis The chronic pain associated with arthritis is well known to negatively impact sleep. However, recent research has implied that a lack of sleep and insomnia can themselves can adversely affect arthritis symptoms. What is […]