Health News

Comparative study: The Hartz IV System makes many seriously ill

Hartz IV recipients are more likely to be sick

Recipients of Hartz IV benefits are more likely to be ill, as the result of a study by the General local sickness funds (AOK) Rhineland/Hamburg. Accordingly, the social Status of statutory health insured is an important factor for the health of the Insured. But why is this so?

Poor Health

The state of health of many Hartz IV recipients is designated as bad. A study of the AOK showed that the financial and social Status is closely linked with the health. This is especially visible in the case of cardiovascular diseases and chronic metabolic disorders. “The financial Status has on adults and children have a tremendous influence on General health,” therefore, in the study.

On the basis of the collected data showed that 6.8 percent of the workforce suffer from coronary heart disease. Under the Hartz IV and Referring to it are a whopping 10.5 percent of the Insured who are suffering from narrowed coronary arteries. In the case of type II Diabetes, it looks similar. Here are 5.5 per cent of the workers were ill, however, 9.1 percent of the unemployed.

Cause and effect reversed?

Many will now argue that cause and effect could be reversed. For example, people who are ill are related due to their suffering Hartz IV. However, the Report shows that the Hartz IV Related because of their social Status simply under-supplied. So 70 percent of employed mothers after the birth of the child a midwife to come to your home. In the case of the Hartz IV and Referring to it were, according to the report, only 33 per cent.
Also in the case of dental health, the differences are more than clear. Children of insured workers in 78 per cent at the age of six a set of Teeth with no fillings. In the case of children in Hartz IV families are only 68 percent. If you look at the children of voluntarily legally Insured (annual income min.: 60.750 Euro), so the differences are even bigger. Here, 83 percent of children up to 6 ways. Years no dental fillings.

Differences from Young to Old

The differences in health care can be read according to the AOK Report from the Childhood to old age. Men 800 EUR a month, or even less, need level at the age of 74 years, a Care. In the case of an income of 800 to 1600 euros per month, the average age for a level of Care in 77 years. People, the 1600 EUR, pension, and more, are only, on average, from 81 years to the nursing Care.

Already, the Robert-Koch Institute, noted: “persons with low social status are increasingly affected by chronic diseases, psychosomatic complaints, accident injuries, and disabilities. They rate their own health worse and report more health-related limitations in Everyday life.“

Same care for all – but why Hartz IV are Being sick more often?

Where are the concrete reasons. Basically, should apply by the compulsory insurance for all people . The brain research confirms, however, that a so-called need-pyramid exists. The organism requires, first, to satisfy the existential needs: To Hunger and thirst, Sleep and Breathe. The latter is so elementary that we can’t control it willingly: When we force ourselves to hold the breath, the pressure will eventually be overpowering, but to breathe in.

If we starve and freeze, we can supplant this by focusing on the Intellectual a certain amount of time, but this need imposes itself in the foreground and displaced, all of the secondary needs.
These primary needs are immediate, they are pushing to acute satisfaction. Abstract needs to step back behind them. Prevention is not straight immediately: It is about the future, so, so important health is, therefore, an abstract concept.

To survive in the present instead of living in the future

Who lives in the literal sense of the word, from Hand to mouth, to take care of themselves unconsciously as consciously, a little about how his health will be like in the future.

Cancer and General disease prevention are part of the model of a life plan. Who fights to provide for themselves in the last week of the month with basic food, he who lives in fear, freeze in the Winter, because the can not pay the heating, to whom the sanctions of the jobcenter take the opportunities to provide themselves with the necessary most – the freedom to plan his life is missing.

Social security instead of finger-wagging

In other words: he Who lives by Hartz-IV, is struggling to fulfill its primary needs. So if you want to that purchase attend lots of frequent medical examinations, the need to commit to a social protection of the persons Concerned. (sb)