Personal Health

Mystery of the 100-Year-old: The food is some of the oldest people in the world

If people on the island of Sardinia welcome, they say: Kent’annos! This means as much as: "May you be 100 years old werden".

This is more than just a well-meaning desire. This is not so far-fetched: Because Sardinia is part of the world to the places where the people are at the oldest. It is quite possible that residents here safe and sound your 100. Birthday parties.

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The Journalist has already visited years ago, all the places and found that there are certain characteristics that divide the inhabitants of these places, even if they belong to different cultures.

The people there

  • have something to live for; see a sense in life to see (in Okinawa they call it Ikigai, on the Nicoya "Life plan" (Plan de Vida)
  • almost all are non-Smoking
  • move a lot and are physically active
  • feel responsible for your family, your home, or the next Generation, and have a lively social life
  • feed almost always vegetarian

It is precisely this point that nutrition is very important, so Buettner: "Anyone who wants to enjoy with 100 still in the best of health, you should eat like healthy people, have become 100 years old."

"Antiaging-Hokuspokus" not behind it

These people, of which Buettner is convinced, are not so old, "because they dietary supplements, pills or any anti-aging mumbo Jumbo nehmen".

The Good food, the Bad, avoid

But because you avoid the majority of your life on exactly the right kinds of food and poor nutrition. To do this, Buettner is one full-fledged and plant-based diet.

"You don’t feed that way, because you is a heroic discipline verfügen", he writes in his new (and so far only in English available) recipe-book "The kitchen of the Blue Zonen".

But because fruits, vegetables, tubers, nuts, beans, legumes and whole grain cereals are cheap and easily available.

These are the products you use to be so healthy, how tasty food.

"Taste is the most important ingredient for a long Leben"

"Taste is the most important ingredient in any recipe for a long Leben", says Buettner, and has visited after 15 years, once again the record holder in longevity and there in the kitchen looked.

And let the traditional recipes of the Older, of which the secret to a long life derive, he says. Because in the "Blue Zonen" have long held Fast-Food-feed – and thus the "Diseases of the Wohlstands".

The Diabetes Rate has risen to Sardinia enormous. "And Okinawa, once the home of the oldest people in the world, is now the home of the most unhealthy people in Japan", Buettner says.

Recipes for a long life, survival

Still there are the old villages, the years of many Hundreds of. However, the life expectancy of the Younger sink. "The phenomenon of longevity disappears in the Blue zones, but his secrets of survival – especially in the kitchens of older people."

In addition to recipes such as Spaghetti with walnut Pesto, Miso soup with vegetables or beans-potato-onion-soup Dan Buettner has accumulated on his journey are a few tips on the way up, including:

More broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower eat

These cross a particular health effect ascribed to blütlern. The vegetable considered to be particularly good for the heart, for cancer prevention.

Beans, Beans, Beans

Beans of the Blue zones to play in the kitchen is a main role, says Buettner. You will be enriched by spices, grains, and vegetables, to processed, tasty soups and vegetarian dishes. Speaking of palatable: That beans do not have to come in bland and overcooked on the table, for the kitchen was, the Blue zones, with their diverse flavours of the proof.

Dishes with a drizzle of olive oil and serve

The very healthy monounsaturated Omega-9 fatty acid (OIC acid) in olive oil can exert their effect is best when not heated. Many of the residents in the Blue zones, drizzle about bread, vegetables, or soups with a little olive oil (room temperature) before serving it, Buettner observed.

Fresh herbs and spices

For the medically positive effect of rosemary, Oregano, sage, mint, garlic, turmeric, and mugwort there is plenty of evidence, so Buettner. In addition, they provide a good taste. The best fresh herbs to use.

Dietary fiber are more important than I thought

Grains, green vegetables, nuts, and beans contain proteins, vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates, which are good for the heart, brain, and cancer prevention. In addition, the ballast substances, Buettner feed those bacteria in the gut that are good for our well-being. While meat and eggs are good for those bacteria that are bad for our health.

To eat, drink red wine

Red wine increase the absorption of important antioxidants almost three-fold, writes Buettner. The wine contained polyphenols reduce inflammatory factors.

You can see in the Video: Not only the blood pressure is important: These 4 heart values, you need to know

FOCUS Online/Wochit you will See in the Video: Not only the blood pressure is important: These 4 heart values, you need to know

*The post “mystery of the 100-Year-old: The food is some of the oldest people in the world,” published by Wizelife. Contact with the executives here.