Health News

Babies fed peanuts early have a lower risk of food allergies

Feeding peanuts and eggs to some babies from as early as three months ‘could protect them from developing allergies’ High-risk babies were fed small amounts of allergenic foods in a study Introduction at three months lowered the odds of them getting an allergy That’s compared to current guidelines of introduction at six months It could […]

Health News

Food allergies don’t have to make meals out a nightmare

Food allergies don’t have to make meals out a nightmare: DR MIKE DILKES reveals five simple steps you can take to cope with the condition An allergic reaction happens when immune system overreacts to a food trigger Chemicals are released in the body, sparking a sometimes extreme reaction  People with allergies can still enjoy a […]

Health News

Link found between delivery method and asthma, allergies

Babies born via cesarean delivery may have an increased risk of developing asthma and food allergies, according to research out of the School of Public Health. The prevalence of children with asthma and allergies has increased over the past two decades, and although genetics may play a role, previous studies have suggested that other factors […]

Personal Health

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease (also known as coeliac disease or celiac sprue) is the name of a condition in which the body’s own immune system reacts to gluten, a protein found in many common foods such as cereal, bread, and pasta. How does celiac disease affect the body? Over time, this immune reaction to gluten damages the […]