Health News

Right light on the mother’s belly may be important to the fetus

There may be a link between exposure to light during pregnancy and fetal brain development. New findings by researchers at Umeå University, Sweden, working in collaboration with American colleagues, may provide better understanding of certain neurological diseases later in life. “Ultimately, this discovery may open up possibilities for using the right kind of light stimulation […]

Health News

Should healthy Britons be given blood pressure tablets?

With one in four British adults suffering from high blood pressure claiming 75,000 lives a year, is it time to give healthy people pills to save them from heart attack and stroke New research recommends giving healthy people anti blood pressure tablets   Oxford researchers found the risk of heart attack or stroke plummets with pills […]

Health News

What The Real Difference Is Between Serotonin And Dopamine

Dean Drobot/Shutterstock By Sophie McEvoy/Sept. 5, 2021 9:38 pm EDT Often referred to as the “feel good” chemicals in the brain, serotonin and dopamine are two neurotransmitters that are vital in regulating emotions (via Medical News Today). While both may be integral to creating these feelings, there are actually major differences between the two. A healthy […]

Health News

Your ZIP code may be a factor in how long you’ll stay active

Older people living in less advantaged neighborhoods become disabled roughly two years earlier than their counterparts in more affluent neighborhoods, according to a new Yale study. The findings, published Aug. 23 in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, shed new light on the role environment plays in the disabling process. The data also point to a […]

Health News

Regional policies might be ineffective in eliminating local coronavirus spread risk factors, says analysis

In a new paper published in the The Lancet Regional Health—Europe, Mr. Gabriele Guaitoli and Dr. Roberto Pancrazi from the Department of Economics at Warwick University investigate whether region-wide non-pharmaceutical interventions introduced in Italy during the second wave of COVID-19 in Fall 2020 have been effective at eliminating local risk factors. Using Italy as a […]

Health News

Widowers more likely to be diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer

Social environment is a key factor in the risk of developing prostate cancer. Ph.D. student Charlotte Salmon and Professor Marie-Élise Parent of Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) have shown that widowers are more likely to be diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. Their research results have been published in the European Journal of Epidemiology. […]