Health News

Using Biochemistry to Fight Obesity

Obesity is the excessive accumulation of triacylglycerols in fatty tissue. This results from excessive calorie intake compared with expenditure. Obesity can rarely be attributed purely to genetic predisposition, though genes do play a polygenetic role in the propensity for an individual to store fat, grow muscle, engage in physical activity, and other metabolic processes. Image […]

Health News

Distress signal from fat cells prompts heart to shore up defenses against consequences of obesity

A stress signal received by the heart from fat could help protect against cardiac damage induced by obesity, a new study led by UT Southwestern researchers suggests. The finding, published online in Cell Metabolism, could help explain the “obesity paradox,” a phenomenon in which obese individuals have better short- and medium-term cardiovascular disease prognoses compared with those who […]

Health News

Healthy fat impacted by change in diet and circadian clock

Changing your eating habits or altering your circadian clock can impact healthy fat tissue throughout your lifespan, according to a preclinical study published today in Nature by researchers with The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth). Healthy fat tissue helps provide energy, supports cell growth, protects organs, and keeps the body warm. […]

Health News

Wait, Is The Whole 'Skinny Fat' Concept Actually A Real Thing?

The term “skinny fat” gets thrown around a lot these days, but it sounds a little backwards and confusing…right? And let’s face it: The term itself is loaded, contradictory, and shame-y. But metabolism and weight-management experts admit that it does describe a very real health issue. People who might be described as “skinny fat” are […]

Kids Health

Assessing body fat in children made simpler by new equation

Researchers at St George’s have developed an accurate equation that will enable medical professionals to accurately predict body fat levels in children using only very simple measurements and other information. The equation takes into account height, weight, sex and age and ethnicity (where available) to predict body fat. The equation has been derived using information […]

Personal Health

Genomic ‘map’ reveals not all fat is equal

It’s not just about how much—the location of where fat is stored in the body can have significant implications for human health. A new study compared fat cells from under the skin and from the harmful fat inside the abdomen, creating the first comprehensive genomic map that reveals unique features, which appear to ‘hard-wire’ different […]