Health News

What Taking A Break From Exercise Does To Your Body

We’ve officially hit the thick of winter: the days are shorter, the nights are darker and puffer vests are non-negotiable. But if you, like us, are partial to ditching your daily workout in favour of extra doona time, you might wanna listen up. Coz new research has found that taking prolonged breaks from exercise can […]

Health News

Makeup of an individual’s gut bacteria may play role in weight loss

A preliminary study published in the August issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggests that, for some people, specific activities of gut bacteria may be responsible for their inability to lose weight, despite adherence to strict diet and exercise regimens. “We know that some people don’t lose weight as effectively as others, despite reducing caloric consumption […]

Health News

Frequent sauna bathing has many health benefits

Sauna bathing is an activity used for the purposes of pleasure, wellness, and relaxation. Emerging evidence suggests that beyond its use for pleasure, sauna bathing may be linked to several health benefits. A new report published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that sauna bathing is associated with a reduction in the risk of vascular diseases, […]

Health Problems

Fitness trackers prove helpful in monitoring cancer patients

Fitness trackers can be valuable tools for assessing the quality of life and daily functioning of cancer patients during treatment, a new study has found. The trackers, also known as wearable activity monitors, include commercial devices worn on the wrist that log a wearer’s step counts, stairs climbed, calories, heart rate and sleep. “One of […]

Personal Health

How To Turn Your Sex Sesh Into A Serious Calorie Burner

We’ve lived through barre booty workouts, spin classes, Pilates, and now even Barry’s Bootcamp has landed down under – but there is one exercise guaranteed to burn calories and tone muscles. If you’d rather stay home than pump iron, sexercise might be the tantalising alternative you need! Sex has a plethora of health benefits from […]

Health News

How To Tell If You Sweat Too Much And What To Do About It

Getting a heavy sweat on is totally normal when you’re working out. But when you find yourself a dripping mess simply ordering a coffee or sitting at your desk? Not ideal. Enter, hyperhidrosis: a condition that occurs when the amount you’re schvitzing doesn’t seem to match the situation you’re in.  “Hyperhidrosis is sweating beyond your […]