Kids Health

The Biggest Epidural Myths, Busted

When it comes to words capable of sending chills down the spine of a pregnant woman, “epidural” is up there with “forceps” and “episiotomy.” But like many things, the reality of an epidural — which involves administering a drug into the space around the spinal cord during labor — isn’t as scary as it sounds. […]

Pet Care

Uncovering the Facts: Myths on Vitamins and Weight Loss Supplements

untitled-2.jpg You may have recently started a new vitamin regiment, or maybe you’re interested in trying a new weight loss supplement. Either way, like with most supplements, there are dangers that could affect your furry friends. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center has everything you need to know about myths surrounding vitamins and weight loss […]

Pet Care

Pets and Sunscreen: Don’t Get Burned by the Myths!

blog_apcc-sunscreen_080719_main.png When you are outside on a summer day, sunscreen is usually something you have on hand. We are all aware of the risks of prolonged sun exposure in people—from superficial wrinkles to dangerous skin cancer and damaging burns—and using sunscreen can help prevent all these things. While sunscreen is good for us, what about […]

Personal Health

The Facts (and Myths) About How You Really Get Lyme Disease

Now that winter has transitioned to spring and temperatures are warming up in much of the country, you’re likely to start hearing a lot about Lyme disease. Rates of this tick-borne illness have been rising steadily in the United States over the last two decades, with most infections happening in April through October. According to […]

Health News

Signs you’re having a boy: Myths vs. facts

According to folklore, everything from the position of the bump to the severity of symptoms can indicate the fetus’ sex. In this article, we shed light on these myths, and look at the proven methods of identifying the sex of a fetus. Six common myths Scientific research does not support the following ways of guessing […]