Health News

Health check: can caffeine improve your exercise performance?

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Nearly half the adult population in Australia drink it. Aside from enjoying the taste, the main reason we drink coffee is to get caffeine into our bloodstream. Caffeine can help keep you awake, increase alertness, improve your concentration, enhance cognitive performance, and sharpen short-term […]

Health News

Virtual reality can improve performance during exercise

Using virtual reality (VR) headsets while exercising can reduce pain and increase how long someone can sustain an activity, according to new research from the School of Engineering and Digital Arts. The research, led by Ph.D. candidate Maria Matsangidou from EDA, set out to determine how using VR while exercising could affect performance by measuring […]

Health News

13 best ways to improve male sexual performance

However, focusing on sexual performance can lead to anxiety. A set of simple lifestyle changes can help to: reduce anxiety improve erectile dysfunction enhance relationships with sexual partners increase stamina These changes can make sex more enjoyable and satisfying for everyone involved. It is important to note that worrying about getting and maintaining erections is […]