Health News

Probiotics as adjuvant therapy for COVID-19 patients

Back in 1892, Doderlein first established the beneficial association of microorganisms in the human body. Therefore, under the COVID-19 pandemic, it can be beneficial to assess microorganisms' role in the human body and the use of probiotics as therapy for COVID-19 patients. While the term "microbiome" (coined by the Nobel laureate Joshua Lederberg, 2001) includes […]

Health News

Can probiotics really boost your mood?

We’ve always considered probiotics as being beneficial for gut health, but there are researchers that say probiotics might be good at lifting your mood as well. But the reason why this is the case is a bit convoluted. Harvard says research shows a physiological connection between the gut and the brain in a link called […]

Health News

Osteoporosis: Could probiotics protect bone health?

Bones do not just grow once and then stay the same for life. Instead, bone is made up of living tissue that is constantly being broken and remodeled into new bone. This process is more efficient when we are young. By around age 30, the body stops increasing bone mass, and once we reach our […]