Health News

Natural remedies that will cure your headache

We all suffer headaches from time to time. They’re often brought on by dehydration, stress or diet. But reaching for painkillers is not always necessary – or helpful – warn experts. Try some of these tips and tricks first…    Lavender oil:  It’s known for its analgesic and sedative properties and a study published in […]

Health Problems

Home remedies: high blood pressure and cold remedies

Over-the-counter cold remedies aren’t off-limits if you have high blood pressure, but it’s important to make careful choices. Among over-the-counter cold remedies, decongestants cause the most concern for people who have high blood pressure. Decongestants relieve nasal stuffiness by narrowing blood vessels and reducing swelling in the nose. This narrowing can affect other blood vessels […]

Health Problems

Home remedies: Animals as healers

Pet therapy is gaining fans in health care and beyond. Animal-assisted therapy can reduce pain and anxiety in people with a range of health problems. What is pet therapy? Pet therapy is a broad term that includes animal-assisted therapy and other animal-assisted activities. Animal-assisted therapy is a growing field that uses dogs or other animals […]