Personal Health

I noticed that when I am in PE class or just when I walk home from school, I sweat a lot while my friends don’t seem to sweat. Why do I have rings under my armpits?

Rings around your armpits can be embarrassing for sure but there is an explanation and treatment. Sweating is common especially during puberty because this is the time when your sweat glands become more active. It is not only normal but also natural for everyone’s body to sweat when they are hot, after exercising and also […]

Health News

How To Tell If You Sweat Too Much And What To Do About It

Getting a heavy sweat on is totally normal when you’re working out. But when you find yourself a dripping mess simply ordering a coffee or sitting at your desk? Not ideal. Enter, hyperhidrosis: a condition that occurs when the amount you’re schvitzing doesn’t seem to match the situation you’re in.  “Hyperhidrosis is sweating beyond your […]