Pet Care

7 Scary Things About Factory Farming

Like scenes out of a horror movie, billions of animals are trapped in a terrifying place … a place lurking with disease … on a toxic landscape scarred by pollution. Scarier still is that the horror of factory farming is deliberately masqueraded as idyllic family farms by trickster marketing designed to keep caring Americans from […]

Personal Health

I’m afraid

I’m in the 34. Weeks pregnant and have anxiety. Fears in pregnancy are normal. Especially if it is the first child. The actually starts with the positive pregnancy test in Hand: Am I ready for a child? How will change the relationship to my Partner? What about my Job? The apartment is big enough? The […]

Health News

10 Things You Need to Know About Breast Cancer

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2014, I knew nothing. I was the Jon Snow of boobs. (Somewhere Kit Harington is wincing). But after one lumpectomy, four biopsies, countless mammograms, ultrasounds and MRIs, I learned fast and furiously. Now, five years after my diagnosis, I sat down with Dr. Lisa Newman, breast surgeon […]

Personal Health

Women Can Tell You're Insecure if You Do These Things

As we continue to have more complex conversations about what it means to be a man today, the more our old-fashioned ideas of masculinity come into question. In a recent thread on Reddit, women started sharing some of the things that they’ve noticed straight guys do that are meant to show how manly they are… […]