Health News

‘Renaming harmless cancers makes sense’

A reader recently asked me to explain what’s meant by ­overdiagnosis. I wasn’t ­surprised because it (and overtreatment) is the buzz word of the moment in medical circles. For the avoidance of doubt here’s the definition of overdiagnosis. It’s the ­diagnosis of a condition that, if ­unrecognised, wouldn’t cause symptoms or harm a patient. The […]

Health Problems

Theranostic complex with two toxic modules shows high toxicity for tumour cells

Emerging cancer nanotechnology enables targeted delivery of drug payloads to cancer sites with concomitant reduction of side effects due to reduced accumulation in critical organs. This prompts research into nanocarriers of therapeutic cargo and contrast agents, allowing combined cancer therapy and tumour visualization, respectively. Researchers from Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, have implemented such […]