Health Problems

Scientists discover novel viruses carried by the Scottish midge

Scotland’s biting midge population carries previously unknown viruses, according to new research. The study—published in Viruses and carried out by scientists at the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR) – used high throughput sequencing to study, for the first time, the total collection of viruses in the biting midge (Culicoides impunctatus). The scientists […]

Health News

Eating elderberries can help minimize influenza symptoms

Folk medicines and herbal products have been used for millennia to combat a whole range of ailments, at times to the chagrin of modern scientists who have struggled to explain their medicinal benefits. However a recent study by researchers at the University of Sydney has determined exactly how a popular ancient remedy, the elderberry fruit, […]

Health News

Developing a vaccine against Nipah virus

Nipah virus is a type of RNA virus transmitted from animals to humans. The infection causes severe respiratory illness and symptoms including cough, headache and fever, which can progress into encephalitis, seizure and coma. Currently, there is no approved vaccine against Nipah virus available on the market. In recent years, outbreaks, from bat-to-human or pig-to-human […]