Pet Care

Your Voice Matters: Virtual Advocacy at Home

Now more than ever, animals need citizen lobbyists to take a stand against animal suffering and voice their concerns to their elected officials. The ASPCA offers a variety of educational webinars that can help you be a better advocate for animal welfare. You can speak up for animals and advocate from home by joining our […]

Health News

Your doctor’s ready: Please log in to the videoconference

The coronavirus has prompted many medical centers to switch from in-person appointments to video visits. A new study from UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals suggests that for some hospitals, video visits may become a permanent feature of the patient-provider landscape. Prior to March 2020, all patients at the UCSF Adolescent and Young Adult Clinic received medical […]

Health News

The biggest mistake you’re making when washing your face masks

Face masks have become a regular sight these days, particularly since the CDC made its recommendation on the use of face masks during the coronavirus. And if you’ve been good about staying home during shelter-in-place guidelines, you might not have thought about cleaning your face mask on the rare occasions when you’ve gone out, since […]

Pet Care

Your Support Makes a Lifesaving Difference Every Day! This year, while we all face the challenging realities of the COVID-19 pandemic, friends like you showed us what it truly means to stand together—even when we are forced to be apart. Your support creates remarkable outcomes for animals in need and allows us to respond most effectively to emergency situations. We want you […]

Health News

Simple tests to check your feet health at home

Feet can make a lot of people squirm. But it’s important to pay attention to them – just like you’d check every other part of your body – in case there are signs that something is wrong. Roslyn Miller, a foot and ankle surgeon at King Edward VII’s Hospital, tells about some simple tests […]