Kids Health

Breastfeeding boosts metabolites important for brain growth

Micro-preemies who primarily consume breast milk have significantly higher levels of metabolites important for brain growth and development, according to sophisticated imaging conducted by an interdisciplinary research team at Children’s National. “Our previous research established that vulnerable preterm infants who are fed breast milk early in life have improved brain growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes. It […]

Health News

Girl, 15, had her BRAIN ‘slipping into her spinal cord’

Girl, 15, who ‘staggered around like she was drunk’ actually needed life-saving surgery to stop her BRAIN ‘slipping into her spinal cord’ Erin Orlopp could not walk in a straight line and developed a swollen cheek Suffering from chiari malformation – brain tissue extends into the spinal canal Underwent surgery to remove a section of her […]

Health Problems

Childhood trauma may affect brain structure, predisposing adults to recurring major depressive disorder

Early life trauma may affect the structure of the brain in a way that makes clinical depression more likely to be severe and recurrent, according to a two-year observational study of 110 patients published in The Lancet Psychiatry journal. Previous studies have suggested an association between maltreatment and altered brain structure, while others have identified […]

Health Problems

The Mastermind approach to brain research

The brain is a complex organ, and researching medicine to treat brain disorders is equally if not more complex. Elizabeth (Liesbeth) de Lange, Professor of Predictive Pharmacology, calls for a structured approach. “In effect, it’s like playing Mastermind.” Inaugural lecture on 22 March. “The brain has always fascinated me,” says De Lange. “This intriguing organ […]