Kids Health

What You Didn’t Know About Kathy Griffin’s Mansion

Ovidiu Hrubaru/Shutterstock By Haley Van Horn/Sept. 2, 2021 2:12 pm EDT Kathy Griffin is a comedy legend — she’s been making people laugh for decades. According to The Chicago Tribune, Griffin has made over $75 million just from making people laugh. From her appearances on “Seinfeld” to her show Bravo show “My Life on the D […]

Health News

China didn’t warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days

In the six days after top Chinese officials secretly determined they likely were facing a pandemic from a new coronavirus, the city of Wuhan at the epicenter of the disease hosted a mass banquet for tens of thousands of people; millions began traveling through for Lunar New Year celebrations. President Xi Jinping warned the public […]

Kids Health

5 Weaning Side Effects You Didn't Expect

There’s a multitude of reasons why you might start to wean when you do. But, whether your process is abrupt or gradual, baby-led or mother-led, you’re bound to notice a few changes, emotionally and physically, that come as a result of your stopping breastfeeding. To give you a better idea of what to expect, how […]

Personal Health

I Didn't See Women My Size on the Internet—So I Decided to Change That

This profile is part of Health’s #RealLifeStrong series, where we are celebrating women who represent strength, resilience, and grace. Three years ago when Katie Sturino launched her blog, her goal was to provide fashion inspiration for women with similar body types to hers. The 12ish Style struck a chord: Today, Sturino has 225,000 followers on Instagram (if you haven’t seen her #SupersizeTheLook posts, you need to) […]

Personal Health

'Yes, I Have Herpes—And No, It Didn't Ruin My Love Life'

In the past week, you’ve probably heard about how the singer Usher reportedly paid a woman $1.1 million after she sued him for allegedly infecting her with herpes. According to court documents, the woman who filed the lawsuit claimed that “her health and body have been ruined” and that she “has suffered severe emotional distress […]