Health News

Rerouting nerves during amputation reduces phantom limb pain before it starts: Researchers find life-altering benefits to surgery developed for advanced prosthetics

Doctors at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and College of Medicine are pioneering the use of primary targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR) to prevent or reduce debilitating phantom limb and stump pain in amputees. Losing a limb due to trauma, cancer, or poor circulation can result in phantom limb and stump pain in upwards […]

Health News

What if needle pokes didn’t hurt? Hospital implements strategies to eliminate or reduce needle pain in kids

A major US children’s hospital introduced a first-of-its-kind project to eliminate or reduce pain from elective needle procedures in all infants and children, reports a study in PAIN Reports®, part of a special issue on research innovations in pediatric pain. The official open-access journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), PAIN […]

Health News

Exercise shown to improve symptoms of patients with chronic kidney disease: Leicester’s Hospitals and University of Leicester lead research into CKD

Just 12 weeks of aerobic and strength-based exercise reduces symptoms and levels of fatigue in patients with chronic kidney disease, a study in Leicester has found. The study was carried out by Leicester’s Hospitals and University of Leicester Kidney Lifestyle Team, led by Professor Alice Smith. The researchers randomly divided 36 non-dialysis patients with chronic […]