Health News

About Last Night: are we ready to become parents?

Q: Sandy (33) and I (35) have always wanted children so we think we’ll start trying. Our concern is about how we’ll cope with the massive changes a baby will bring. How do you know it’s the right time to become parents? A: Sexual reproduction is a force of nature. It has been said that […]

Health News

Your menstrual tracking app could be revealing when you last had sex

Your best friend may not know when you last had sex, but it's possible that Facebook does. At least two menstruation-tracking apps, Maya and MIA Fem, were sharing intimate details of users' sexual health with Facebook and other entities, according to a new report from Britain-based privacy watchdog Privacy International. In some cases, those details, […]

Health News

New Drug of Last Resort Tackles Resistant HIV

THURSDAY, Aug. 16, 2018 — HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is typically a manageable infection, but medications that keep the virus at bay don’t work for everyone. Now, researchers have developed a new medication to help them. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the drug — ibalizumab (Trogarzo) — in March. Phase 3 […]