Personal Health

‘I Had A Baby And My Sex Life Totally Changed Afterwards’

“A baby changes everything,” you’ve probably heard your mom, friends, and even Faith Hill proclaim. And sure, it’s no secret that adding a tiny new human to your relationship can come with some major changes—both physically and emotionally. Here, 10 real women share the biggest ways their relationships shifted after having a baby. ‘IT BROUGHT US […]

Personal Health

5 Healthy Ways To Deal With A Breakup

Whether you’re the breakup-er, the breakup-ee, or a party to a mutual split, calling it quits with your partner in love takes a toll on both your mind and your body. And though most of us have experienced first-hand that there’s no instant cure for the heartsick, prioritising your health is your smartest moving-on move. […]

Personal Health

Want More Affection In Your Relationship? Do This.

If you’re after some extra TLC in your relationship, recent research has found the answer. And it’s a fun one.  Basically, more sex equals more affection and greater relationship satisfaction. The series of studies looked at a range of factors influencing committed couples in the United States and Switzerland. In the first two studies, a […]