Health Problems

The role of family doctors in advanced therapies

A recent study conducted jointly by the Tissue Engineering Research Group of the Department of Histology and the family medicine Unit of the University of Granada (UGR) has highlighted the conceptual, attitudinal and procedural profile of resident hospital doctors specialising in family medicine in relation to advanced therapies. According to the European Medicines Agency, cell […]

Health Problems

‘Error neurons’ play role in how brain processes mistakes

New research from Cedars-Sinai has identified neurons that play a role in how people recognize errors they make, a discovery that may have implications for the treatment of conditions including obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia. Catching even small errors, such as making a typo while writing a letter, is a critical executive function that allows us […]

Health Problems

Gene plays critical role in noise-induced deafness

In experiments using mice, a team of UC San Francisco researchers has discovered a gene that plays an essential role in noise-induced deafness. Remarkably, by administering an experimental chemical—identified in a separate UCSF lab in 2013—that acts on the pathway linking this gene to hearing loss, they found that they could prevent noise-induced deafness in […]