Health News

Covid survivors with symptoms weeks after have 'micro blood clots'

Is this what’s behind long Covid? Sufferers have ‘micro blood clots’ that may stop oxygen flowing around the body properly ‘Long haulers’ have a large amount of inflammatory molecules trapped in blood These blockages have the potential to disrupt body’s ability to distribute oxygen It could explain long Covid’s most common symptoms, like fatigue & […]

Health News

Young adult cancer survivors reluctant to get COVID vaccines

A new paper in JNCI Cancer Spectrum, published by Oxford University Press, indicates that many survivors of adolescent and young adult cancers hesitate to obtain COVID-19 vaccinations. As of March 2021, there were over 33 million cases and 580,000 deaths from COVID in the United States. Vaccines offer the best hope to control the spread […]

Health News

Covid survivors say they now have 'bizarre' tastes and smells

Covid survivors say they experience ‘bizarre’ tastes and smells months after clearing the infection – including coffee having an aroma like GASOLINE During COVID, patients can lose their sense of smell – and after recovering, their smells can get mixed up One COVID survivor described coffee tasting like gasoline and that onions, garlic, and meat as […]

Health News

Glimmers of hope for immunity in survivors of mild COVID-19

Glimmers of hope for COVID-19 immunity: Studies suggest that even people who had mild infections develop multiple cellular defenses against catching coronavirus again Coronavirus antibody levels fall quickly in people who had only mild infections Recent research found that other immune components – T and B cells – in mild infection survivors ‘remember’ coronavirus and […]

Health Problems

Adolescent and young adult cancer survivors may have an elevated risk of hospitalizations

Adolescent and young adults who survived at least two years after a cancer diagnosis had nearly double the risk of being hospitalized compared with their siblings and unrelated, age-matched people without cancer, according to results published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, & Prevention, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. “Few studies have investigated […]

Health Problems

How employers can help cancer survivors return to work

When I lost a relative to cancer in the late 1970s, people usually viewed a cancer diagnosis with horror. At the time, many treatments were both brutal and unsuccessful. Only 24% of patients survived ten years after treatment. But when I received my own cancer diagnosis over 40 years later, it felt rather different. Now, […]