Health News

Urine pH: Normal ranges and what they mean

The pH is the measurement of how acidic or alkaline a person’s urine is. Doctors often test the urine pH, and they may perform other diagnostic tests, when a person has symptoms that may be related to a problem in the urinary tract. What is the normal pH of urine? According to the American Association […]

Health News

Top athletes should sleep better—and they can

Top athletes are generally good sleepers. However, there is certainly still something to be gained in the field of so-called ‘sleep hygiene,’ and light therapy is a promising strategy for optimal sleep, concludes sleep expert Melanie Knufinke. She researched the sleep (habits) of top athletes in the Netherlands and is to be awarded her Ph.D. […]

Health News

Autistic children need the world to acknowledge the significance of the challenges they face

Autistic children are increasingly being suspended or expelled from school, because of “behavioural problems” official figures show. Some regions in the UK have seen a 100% increase in these types of exclusions since 2011. Research carried out by myself and colleagues at Sheffield Hallam University demonstrates the devastating consequences these exclusions have for disabled children […]