Health News

How watching Frozen could make you reach for the biscuits

How watching Frozen could make you reach for the biscuit tin: Wintry scenes trigger evolutionary craving for calorie-dense food, study claims Watching wintry scenes leads to eat more calorific foods, a study has found Experts believe it triggers our instinct to eat more during winter to survive Adverts should be reevaluated to avoid people eating […]

Health News

Surgery students struggle to use their hands, professor warns

Surgery students are struggling to use their hands because they spent ‘too much time watching TV’ rather than sewing or playing an instrument as children Professor Roger Kneebone claims students missed out on crafts as youngsters Despite having very good grades, many are ‘incompetent’ with their hands Professor Kneebone has seen student dexterity decrease in the […]

Health Problems

Watching an embryo’s neural tube close

In those precious weeks before a woman even realizes she’s pregnant, an embryo will have already developed a neural tube, a hollow structure made of cells which will eventually become the brain and spinal cord. Now, with $3.2 million from the National Institutes of Health, UH professor of biomedical engineering Kirill Larin will tackle the […]