Health Problems

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Men: Risks and Benefits

Skip to: What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy? What are the Benefits of TRT? What are the Risks of TRT? Testosterone plays a vital role in the human body. Its effects increase muscle and bone strength and density, induce hematopoiesis, and drive libido and sexual function. Testicular production of testosterone typically declines with age, which can […]

Health Problems

Types of Brain Surgery

A wide range of surgical techniques are used by neurosurgeons to correct specific anatomical or functional abnormalities in the brain. Surgery may be considered for conditions which cause: Alterations to brain tissue – such as benign or malignant tumors, infections, or swelling (oedema). Abnormal or interrupted blood flow in the brain – such as cerebral […]

Health Problems

Gut Bacteria Affecting Parkinson’s Treatment

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is treated by levodopa, which is a prodrug capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier before being metabolized to dopamine, a vital neurotransmitter in the brain. However, certain gut bacteria interfere with this treatment, leading to unpredictable fluctuations in the motor response to levodopa and pushing up the dosage levels unnecessarily. Image Credit: […]

Health Problems

What are T Cells?

T cells are a part of the immune system that focuses on specific foreign particles. Rather than generically attack any antigens, T cells circulate until they encounter their specific antigen. As such, T cells play a critical part in immunity to foreign substances. Image Credit: T cell function and use The most common context […]

Health Problems

What is Bioprinting?

Using similar technology to 3D printing, bioprinting uses a digital file as a blueprint to fabricate biomedical parts that closely imitate the characteristics of natural tissue. The engineered tissues are created by layering biomaterials and/or living cells, which are referred to collectively as bio-inks. Image Credit: Crevis / Bio-inks must possess certain physicochemical properties […]

Health Problems

Lung Cancer and Nail Clubbing

Nail clubbing is characterized by specific changes around and under the toe and fingernails that are caused by certain diseases. Lung cancer is the most frequent cause of nail clubbing. Image Credit: Douglas Olivares/ What is nail clubbing? Nail clubbing, also called digital clubbing or Hippocratic nail, is primarily caused by an overgrowth of connective […]

Health Problems

Micro CT Applications in Dentistry

Microcomputed tomography (Micro CT) is a high-resolution imaging device, which produces non-destructive 3D images of a biological structure, like a tooth. CT Dental Tomography. Image Credit: Flavio Massari / Shutterstock Micro CT can be compared to CT scan to visualize images of various structures in the body, but micro CT produces finer images with an […]

Health Problems

Can Pets Get COVID-19?

A novel coronavirus that was first reported in China in December 2019 quickly led to a global pandemic. Named COVID-19, the virus has had a devastating effect on economies and healthcare systems worldwide. Whilst highly contagious between humans, evidence of transmission from animals to humans is limited, although human to animal transmission is possible. The […]

Health Problems

Memory Recall and Circadian Rhythm

What is circadian rhythm? Circadian rhythm is the rhythm in which the cells of the body function within a 24-hour cycle. Each cell has a rhythm, and it is in line with the body clock. Circadian systems are crucial to the working memory of all animals and humans. Image Credit: kanyanat wongsa/ What is Memory […]