Health News

Experts share diet and lifestyle changes you can make to ease painful migraines

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We all know how painful headaches can be.

But a throbbing of a migraine can be so painful it really debilitates you.

Around 190,000 people suffer a migraine attack, or a severe throbbing at the front or site of the head, each day in England.

These attacks, which happen to as many as a quarter of women and up to 10% of men, can have a huge impact on lives, the Mirror reports.

But many experts believe there are diet and lifestyle changes you can make to significantly improve the symptoms of these migraines.

Amy Packer has asked experts about migraine triggers. Here are some of the changes you can try to make to try to ease the pain.

Know your triggers

If you're aware of what triggers your migraines it can be easier to avoid them.

Jane Clarke, dietician and founder of Nourish Drinks (, explained: "It’s believed that migraines are caused by chemical changes in the nerve cells of the brain.

"For some of us, certain chemicals or compounds in our food can be the culprit. You may be sensitive to MSG, the flavour enhancer found in many processed food."

She recommends keeping a food and migraine diary, which may help you understand the link.

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Stop the slouch

The way you sit in front of the screen could be making your migraines worse.

Cristina Chan, personal trainer at F45 Training (, said: “Sitting at a screen all day in a forward hunching position – the dreaded ‘tech-neck’ posture – will cause aches and pains in your back, neck and shoulders which can lead to headaches and even migraines”.

"If you’re working long hours, particularly from home where the set-up might not be great, it’s important to get up regularly, take a walk, roll your shoulders back and open up through the chest."

Cristina said moving regularly, and slow and controlled, low intensity workouts can help.

Boost your gut health

Hannah Braye explained that migraines are "often accompanied by digestive symptoms and there is a clear association between their prevalence and digestive disorders".

She continued: "Newly emerging research indicates that live bacteria supplements may be of benefit."

Hannah explained that inflammation could be the root of the issue.

She explained: "Whilst there is evidence of a genetic predisposition to migraines in some cases and they are also linked to low-grade inflammation originating from poor gut health, which is thought to contribute to inflammation of major pain pathways in the brain, triggering migraine attacks.

“Consider following an anti-inflammatory diet, high in omega-3 fatty acids from oily fish, antioxidants from colourful fruit and vegetables and spices such as turmeric and ginger."

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Keep your blood sugars balances

Sweet foods can cause "energy highs and lows that trigger migraine in some people", explained Jane.

She advised keeping your "blood sugars balanced", which could make the difference between a "migraine" and a "pain-free day".

Jane continued: "Skip the biscuits, cakes, chocolate and fizzy drinks and if you do crave something sweet, try pears, dried apricots, plums, grapes, dates and kiwi fruit, which all seem to be well tolerated."

Mineral marvel

Hannah said that magnesium deficiency "may contribute to attacks, particularly of menstrual migraine".

She added: "To increase magnesium levels, eat more leafy green vegetables (at least two portions a day), avocados, nuts, seeds and legumes.”

  • Headaches

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