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Netflix series “Dead girls don’t lie” led to increased suicide Rates

Increase in suicide rates after the publication of the Netflix series

In the Netflix series “Dead girls don’t lie” (13 Reasons Why) explains the reasons, a 17-year-old teenager in detail with thirteen, why she killed herself. She speaks, every justification on a cassette, which is then transmitted after her death, the one who holds your misfortune from their point of view of complicity. As the series was published, she got into the criticism, a negative impact on young people impact. This has been confirmed by a study. As a study showed an increased suicide rate in the age group of 10 to 19-Year-old after the publication of the series significantly.

A suicide specialist research group of the Medical University of Vienna, has recently examined whether the often criticized Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” was actually an influence on young people. They examined the suicides that happened to them in the period before and after the publication of the series in the United States. Within three months after the series was available, increased the rate of suicide in the age group of 10 to 19-Year-olds by 13 percent. Primarily young women were affected. The results of the study were recently presented in the prestigious journal “JAMA Psychiatry”.

More suicides after the Start of the Pay-TV series

After the Start of the Netflix series “Dead girls don’t lie” showed a marked increase in the number of suicides in the United States. This was the result of the Unit for suicide research & Mental Health Promotion at the centre for Public Health at the MedUni Vienna. “Within three months, in the group of 10 – to 19-Year-olds demonstrate an increase of 13 percent, or 94 suicides in this period of time,” stresses the study Director Thomas niederk red Thaler in a press release of the study results. The increase of the female adolescents. This was also expected by the researchers in advance, as the series describes in detail the suicide of a young woman. Outside this age group there have been no changes in the suicide rates.

The right way to deal with the issue of suicide is important

“The representation of the suicide problem in television is important for the de-stigmatisation”, explain the psychology experts at the MedUni Vienna. But it is especially on the “How”. It is important especially is always to show that there is also another solution. For difficult situations in life, there is always another way out, underline the psychologists. This does not have the Netflix series be sufficient. The Situation of the protagonist was to have been futile displayed. Another major point of criticism of the series is that the pleas for Help, the actress proved to be completely useless.

Fear proved to be true

“We have, together with national and international organizations pointed out already shortly after the publication of that so may create the false impression that you should not be able to get help with suicidal thoughts, or that does not work.”, niederk highlights-red Thaler. Make it always make sense to look at suicidal thoughts help.

How can parents help?

“To talk about the Internet and TV consumption, with the children, ask them what they are looking at and why,” advises the study Director. “Point solutions and offers of help, listen to your children and let them help you.” Facilities for people with suicidal thoughts, but also for parents and friends, the care of those Affected, aid there are a bunch of on the Internet. In Germany, the phone, for example, pastoral care or the Foundation German depression aid, first point of contact. In Austria, for example, might help as well as suicide

More printing for the entertainment industry

“It is important to address suicidality even in the media, and to do that, without risk for people with suicidal thoughts,” urges the research team. To this end, improved co-operation between the industry and the prevention of experts is experts is important to achieve a better representation. (vb)