Migraine – a disease that affects mainly women. Approximately 85% of patients are women. This pattern was noticed by many researchers, but until recently it was not possible to explain it.
As mir24.tv notes, the main symptom of migraine is acute throbbing pain that covers half of the head (sometimes both sides). Visual disturbances, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, sensitivity to light, sounds and smells are also noted. Attacks can last for hours, in severe cases – for days.
Approximately 25% of patients experience sensory illusions: flashes of light, blind spots or tingling and numbness in the hands and face.
Severe migraine in women younger than 50 years increases the risk of ischemic stroke, especially if they smoke and / or take oral contraceptives.
According to WHO, seizures of this disease occur in one of seven adults. In the US, 40 million people suffer from it, 28 million of whom are women.
As a rule, migraines begin at a young age canadianpharmtabs.com, and over the years the intensity of attacks decreases.
Scientists estimate that boys suffer from migraines more often than girls before puberty, in adolescence the number of cases in both sexes is equalized, but after that and before the onset of menopause, the main “stroke” of the disease falls on women.
Perhaps the reason for this relationship – in hormones. The theory is confirmed by the fact that in most cases attacks occur during periods when the level of estrogen in the female body decreases for natural reasons.
Experts have suggested – migraine “wakes up” from the drop in estrogen, especially if it occurs abruptly. This increases the excitability of the cerebral cortex – a condition characteristic of migraine.
After menopause, hormone levels remain low, but stable, so patients feel relief.
Among other possible causes of migraines, scientists have mentioned stress, a change in sleep patterns, as well as loud noise, a bright light, or a strong odor. Some foods and beverages, including wine and chocolate, can also cause illness.
Most scientists agree that migraine occurs as a result of complex effects on the brain of genetic, hormonal and external factors. The causes of the disease should be studied individually in each patient.