These new recordings show terrifying conditions in Wuhan, the epicenter of the Coronavirus in China:
In a hospital, corpses are on the ground and in the waiting area.
Even in a crematorium, many Deceased are lined up in the yellow bags.
Also shocking: In the back of a van in front of a clinic of the metropolis of the numerous Dead are located.
According to media reports, the recordings of the bloggers catch come Am.
He is visited at the beginning of February 2020, a number of Chinese hospitals and the conditions on the ground secretly filmed.
Further, it is reported that the police have taken to catch Bin after the release of the Videos temporarily in custody.
The Videos will be distributed on the numerous Social Media channels.
The human rights activist Jennifer Zeng via Twitter.
The authenticity of the recordings, and whether the patient is in the deceased’s actually a Coronavirus, not today, it’s without a doubt confirm.