Health News

WHO to Scrap Interim Report on Probe of COVID-19 Origins: WSJ

(Reuters) – A World Health Organization team investigating the origins of COVID-19 is planning to scrap an interim report on its recent mission to China amid mounting tensions between Beijing and Washington over the investigation and an appeal from one international group of scientists for a new probe (, the Wall Street Journal reported on […]

Health News

Some Meatpackers Announce Vaccine Plans, but Many Still Waiting

CHICAGO (Reuters) – COVID-19 vaccines are making their way into the arms of U.S. meat and agriculture workers, but companies and union officials say progress needs to be faster after coronavirus outbreaks idled slaughterhouses and sickened thousands of workers. Vaccinating food workers could help prevent further production disruptions that sent meat prices soaring in spring […]

Health News

Patients’ access to opioid treatment cumbersome

Women are having a difficult time getting into treatment for opioid addictions, according to a Vanderbilt University Medical Center study published today in JAMA Network Open. The “secret shopper” study used trained actors attempting to get into treatment with an addiction provider in 10 U.S. states. The results, with more than 10,000 unique patients, revealed […]

Health News

Draft UN resolution urges global access to COVID-19 material

The U.N. General Assembly has until Monday to consider a draft resolution calling for global action to rapidly scale up development, manufacturing and access to medicine, vaccines and medical equipment to confront the coronavirus pandemic. The proposed resolution obtained by The Associated Press requests Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to work with the World Health Organization and […]

Health News

ACA expansion did not improve access to complex surgeries for low-income/minority patients

A first look at the Affordable Care Act (ACA)’s Medicaid expansion finds that despite expectations, there was no increased use of complex surgical procedures at high volume hospitals—a proxy for high quality hospitals—among ethnic/racial minorities and low-income populations. The findings came from comparing surgery records from high-volume hospitals in three states that opted in to […]