Health News

Advancing treatment for B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

A retrospective study led by Northwestern Medicine investigators found that the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell immunotherapy drug tisagenlecleucel demonstrated safety and efficacy in pediatric patients with relapsed and refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-cell ALL), even when the drug doesn’t meet the FDA’s strict manufacturing standards. The findings, published in Blood, may help widen […]

Health News

Advancing the study of T cells to improve immunotherapy

UT Southwestern scientists have developed a new method to study the molecular characteristics of T cells, critical immune cells that recognize and attack invaders in the body such as viruses, bacteria, and cancer. The approach, described today in the journal Nature Methods, enables researchers to more easily analyze the roles of T cell receptors (TCRs)—the […]

Health Problems

Advancing bandage technology with lifelike skin tissue

Professor Sally McArthur’s bioengineering team have begun to make lifelike skin tissue to further studies on innovations such as cutting-edge smart bandages. In future, a bandage could attract and trap bacteria in its polymer mesh, trigger drug delivery in response to infection, or colour-map a wound. Humans have always been the best study subjects for […]

Health Problems

Advancing gene therapy for skin cancer

One of the deadliest skin cancers, melanoma may be caused by overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or artificial sources such as tanning beds and sunlamps. The Melanoma Network of Canada reports that lifetime risk for developing melanoma has increased to one in 63 people today—up from one in 1,500 in the 1930s. “It […]