Health News

Saliva testing may allow early detection of human papillomavirus–driven head and neck cancers

Cancer causing high-risk human papillomaviruses (HR-HPV) are responsible for the rising incidence of HR-HPV–driven head and neck cancers (HNC), particularly oropharyngeal cancers (OPC, or throat cancers). Investigators have determined that HR-HPV DNA can be detected in saliva in most patients with HPV-driven OPC at the time of diagnosis. This work highlights a potentially life-saving screening […]

Personal Health

What we risk as humans if we allow gene-edited babies

A second woman is said to be pregnant with a gene-edited baby in China, according to reports this year. It follows revelations last November that gene-edited twins had been born, which caused much debate. One of the fears expressed by scientists is that gene editing may result in unwanted side effects. But beyond the health […]