Health Problems

Can Deep Learning Predict Coma Outcome?

Patients in a coma are described as being in a state of unconsciousness from which they cannot be woken and are unresponsive. Typical causes of coma include stroke, seizures, severe head injury, infection of the brain such as encephalitis, or alcohol poisoning. Those with diabetes pose an additional risk of falling into a coma if […]

Health Problems

Anticoagulant Food-Drug Interactions

Skip to What are anticoagulants? Vitamin K antagonists Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) Anticoagulants and vitamin K interactions Anticoagulants and alcohol interactions Anticoagulants and herbal supplement and vitamin interactions Summary A food-drug interaction is when a particular food or drink affects the way in which a certain medication works. The risks of food-drug interactions include preventing […]

Health Problems

Fluoroscopy Procedure

Fluoroscopy is a diagnostic scan used to study the movement of body structures. This article describes the medical procedure that takes place during a fluoroscopy. X-ray Barium enema showing normal colon mucosa. Image Credit: Richman Photo / Shutterstock What is fluoroscopy? Fluoroscopy shows a continuous X-ray image on a monitor, much like an X-ray movie. […]

Health News

Diabetes, High Blood Pressure Raise Odds of COVID Harming Brain

MONDAY, Nov. 30, 2020 — COVID-19 patients with high blood pressure or diabetes may be more likely to develop critical neurological complications, including bleeding in the brain and stroke, according to an ongoing study. University of Pennsylvania researchers studied COVID-19 patients who had a head CT scan or MRI within their health system between January […]

Health News

Fatter legs linked to reduced risk of high blood pressure

Adults with fatter legs—meaning they have a higher percentage of total body fat tissue in their legs—were less likely than those with a lower percentage to have high blood pressure, according to new research to be presented Sept. 10-13, 2020, at the virtual American Heart Association’s Hypertension 2020 Scientific Sessions. “Ultimately, what we noted in […]

Health News

Coronavirus-related children’s diseases linked to blood cell changes

A newly described disease occurring in children and linked to COVID-19 has significant changes in white blood cells—a discovery that may allow doctors to better assess their young patients’ condition and predict their resistance to current treatments, a new study reveals. Pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection (PIMS-TS) is a new disease […]

Health News

Better vaccines are in our blood

Red blood cells do more than shuttle oxygen from our lungs to our organs: they also help the body fight off infections by capturing pathogens on their surfaces, neutralizing them, and presenting them to immune cells in the spleen and liver. Now, a team of researchers from Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and […]

Health News

Leaving its mark: How frailty impacts the blood

Globally, human society is aging. A side-effect of this is that age-related disorders, such as frailty, are becoming increasingly common. Frailty includes not only physical disabilities, but also a decline in cognitive function and an increase in various social problems. The prevalence of this disorder among those aged 65 and over is estimated at 120 […]