Health News

Health: Alzheimer’s in the mitttleren age a high cholesterol level

Pay attention to the protection against Alzheimer’s on your cholesterol levels High cholesterol increases the risk of an early onset of Alzheimer’s disease and may trigger according to the latest findings even with the devastating disorder of the brain. In the present study, of Emory University found that a high cholesterol level increases the risk […]

Health News

Globally, one in five deaths are associated with poor diet

People in almost every region of the world could benefit from rebalancing their diets to eat optimal amounts of various foods and nutrients, according to the Global Burden of Disease study tracking trends in consumption of 15 dietary factors from 1990 to 2017 in 195 countries, published in The Lancet. The study estimates that one […]

Health News

Lipoproteins behave ‘almost like a tiny Velcro ball’: Genetics determines some proteins in HDL, but others are picked up by chance

Cholesterol carried in high-density lipoprotein particles, or HDL cholesterol, has been dubbed the good cholesterol, because people whose HDL levels are high have a lower risk of developing heart disease. That link was first established in 1977 and has been confirmed over and over in epidemiological studies. But in the past 15 years, a string […]

Health News

Quality of overall diet is key to lowering type 2 diabetes risk

Consistent with studies in other populations, findings from the first local study, The Singapore Chinese Health Study, conducted by researchers in the National University of Singapore’s (NUS) Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health and Duke-NUS Medical School, have shown that a high-quality diet defined by low intake of animal foods such as red meat, […]

Health News

New RNA sequencing strategy provides insight into microbiomes: Tools allow scientists to understand the activity of naturally occurring microbiomes in response to real-world conditions and diet

Researchers from the University of Chicago have developed a high-throughput RNA sequencing strategy to study the activity of the gut microbiome. The new tools analyze transfer RNA (tRNA), a molecular Rosetta Stone that translates the genetic information encoded in DNA into proteins that perform basic biological functions. Developing a clear picture of tRNA dynamics will […]

Health Problems

Have diabetes? Make sure to manage cholesterol, too

For people with diabetes, blood sugar isn’t the only important measurement. New cholesterol guidelines suggest the more than 110 million U.S. adults with diabetes or prediabetes also should manage their cholesterol. The guidelines released earlier this month during the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions conference suggest doctors consider prescribing cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins to people […]

Health News

Widespread use of statins in healthy older people to prevent heart disease not recommended in new study: Any protective effect was limited to those with type 2 diabetes aged between 75 and 84

Statins are not associated with a reduction in cardiovascular disease (conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels) or death in healthy people aged over 75, finds a study published by The BMJ today. However, in those with type 2 diabetes, statins were related to a reduction in cardiovascular disease and death from any cause up […]