Health News

13 signs of COVID-19 shared by survivors of coronavirus

Coronavirus is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways that first originated in Wuhan, China in December 2019. According to the NHS, the main symptoms you have to look out for are fever and a dry cough. The UK government is now encouraging people to work from home, and avoid mass gatherings. […]

Health News

These healthy drinks will help boost your immunity

Straight from your kitchen, these warm drinks may help you boost your immunity which may be helpful in trying times likes the coronavirus. According to experts, a good way to keep yourself safe from the coronavirus is to boost your immunity, eat a balanced diet, and exercise even if you are home-bound. While it is […]

Health News

As world cowers, China glimpses coronavirus aftermath

Restaurants are reopening, traffic and factories are stirring, and in one of the clearest signs yet that China is awakening from its coronavirus coma, the country’s “dancing aunties” are once again gathering in parks and squares. As the rest of the world runs for cover, China—where the virus first emerged—is moving, guardedly, in the opposite […]

Health News

West Virginia: Latest updates on Coronavirus

—Coronavirus in the US: Map & cases  —What are the symptoms?  —How deadly is the new coronavirus?  —How long does virus last on surfaces?  —Is there a cure for COVID-19?  —How does it compare with seasonal flu?  —How does the coronavirus spread?  —Can people spread the coronavirus after they recover? As of Sunday (March 15), […]

Health News

Coronavirus with a baby: Can I breastfeed while infected with COVID-19?

Coronavirus does not appear to affect children as seriously as it does older people, particularly those with underlying health conditions. How the COVID-19 affects pregnant women is not completely clear because it is a new virus. What effect does coronavirus have on pregnant women? The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) report that pregnant […]

Health News

UK’s slow, steady coronavirus strategy stokes debate

Britain has adopted a light touch approach to coronavirus measures, opting so far not to shut schools, with the aim of staggering demand on the health service and developing “herd immunity” in the population—but the strategy is controversial. The government on Thursday stepped up its response to COVID-19, which officials warn may have infected up […]