Pet Care

Pets and Sunscreen: Don’t Get Burned by the Myths!

blog_apcc-sunscreen_080719_main.png When you are outside on a summer day, sunscreen is usually something you have on hand. We are all aware of the risks of prolonged sun exposure in people—from superficial wrinkles to dangerous skin cancer and damaging burns—and using sunscreen can help prevent all these things. While sunscreen is good for us, what about […]

Kids Health

Why Don't Breastfeeding Support Groups Support Quitting, Too?

The online breastfeeding community supports you through thrush, nursing strikes, mastitis, I even saw a local community band together to lend a woman a pump part at work. They have tips and tricks, suggestions for positions to try for different issues, there are constant words of encouragement. But what I never seemed to see was much discussion around wanting […]

Health News

Time to cook is a luxury many families don’t have

Have Americans forgotten how to cook? Many lament the fact that Americans spend less time cooking than they did in previous generations. Whereas women spent nearly two hours a day in the kitchen in 1965, they spent a little less than an hour preparing meals in 2016. Men are cooking more than they used to, […]

Health News

Food allergies don’t have to make meals out a nightmare

Food allergies don’t have to make meals out a nightmare: DR MIKE DILKES reveals five simple steps you can take to cope with the condition An allergic reaction happens when immune system overreacts to a food trigger Chemicals are released in the body, sparking a sometimes extreme reaction  People with allergies can still enjoy a […]

Kids Health

I Don't Know Who My Adopted Child Will Be

Lately, my husband and I have been announcing to our friends and family that we’re starting the process of independent adoption. Many friends are simply excited for us. Reactions like, “What an awesome season of life for you!” and “That’s so great!” abound. These are both the simplest and, honestly, the best responses we get. […]

Health News

What causes asthma? What we know, don’t know and suspect

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs where the airways become so obstructed the sufferer struggles to breathe. It’s vastly more prevalent in Western societies, and usually develops in childhood. But what do we know about what causes it? Given asthma is about five times more common in Western societies, this suggests lifestyle […]