Health News

Food allergies don’t have to make meals out a nightmare

Food allergies don’t have to make meals out a nightmare: DR MIKE DILKES reveals five simple steps you can take to cope with the condition An allergic reaction happens when immune system overreacts to a food trigger Chemicals are released in the body, sparking a sometimes extreme reaction  People with allergies can still enjoy a […]

Health News

DR ELLIE CANNON: Is my sore back a result of IBS?

DR ELLIE CANNON: Is my sore back a result of IBS? I’ve suffered with IBS for many years, causing constipation, bloating and cramps. I also have back pain which is worse when my IBS is bad. Are they connected? Irritable bowel syndrome, otherwise known as IBS, is very common. As many as one in five […]

Health Problems

Ebola cases in DR Congo rise to 78, 44 dead

Seventy-eight cases of Ebola have been recorded in an outbreak in northeast Democratic Republic of Congo, claiming 44 lives, DRC officials and the World Health Organization (WHO) said Friday. The latest outbreak of the viral disease, which is highly contagious and frequently fatal if untreated, has prompted a visit by the head of the US […]