Health News

Pandemic Is Driving U.S. Surge in Cardiac Arrests Tied to Overdose

JAMAODCOVID.pdf THURSDAY, Dec. 3 — Blame it on the pandemic: For people struggling with drug addiction, 2020 has triggered a big rise in emergency room visits for cardiac arrest tied to drug overdoses, new research shows. The finding was based on data involving 80% of emergency medical services (EMS) “activations” across the United States. It […]

Health News

New research heralds a blood test for drowsy driving

During this unique study from the Sleep Research Centre at the University of Surrey, led by Professor Derk-Jan Dijk, 36 participants skipped one night of sleep. During this 40-hour period of sleep deprivation, blood samples were taken and changes in the expression levels of thousands of genes were measured. A machine learning algorithm identified a […]