Health News

GM seed use has exploded in India: Socially motivated decisions: Genetically modified seeds have exploded in India since the government liberalized the economy in the 1990s

Suicide rates among Indian farmers remain high, accounting for more than 12,500 deaths in the country in 2015, according to a government report. While many have blamed climate change for farmers’ distress, the issue is likely much more complex. After the Indian government liberalized the economy in the 1990s, the agricultural sector went through a […]

Health News

Wealthier people do less in the struggle against climate change

A collective-risk dilemma experiment with members of the public in Barcelona has shown that people are more or less likely to contribute money to fighting climate change depending on their how wealthy they are. And the results indicate that participants with fewer resources were prepared to contribute significantly more to the public good than wealthier […]

Health News

Key factor may be missing from models that predict disease outbreaks from climate change: Parasites that incubate at higher temperatures cause stronger infections in future hosts, creating a climate ‘echo effect’ across generations of pathogens

New research from Indiana University suggests that computer models used to predict the spread of epidemics from climate change — such as crop blights or disease outbreaks — may not take into account an important factor in predicting their severity. A study recently published in the journal Ecology has found that pathogens that grow inside […]