Pet Care

Support the Pets Belong with Families Act to Keep Pets and People Together

The bond between people and pets is undeniable. Pets are our loving companions who, according to the Centers for Disease Control, also provide health benefits to people, including decreased blood pressure, decreased cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and alleviation of loneliness and depression.  Sadly, the lack of pet-friendly rental housing continues to be a problem for […]

Pet Care

7 Scary Things About Factory Farming

Like scenes out of a horror movie, billions of animals are trapped in a terrifying place … a place lurking with disease … on a toxic landscape scarred by pollution. Scarier still is that the horror of factory farming is deliberately masqueraded as idyllic family farms by trickster marketing designed to keep caring Americans from […]

Health News

Virtual intervention reduces fear of breast cancer recurrence

A targeted virtual health intervention was effective for reducing fear of recurrence among breast cancer survivors, according to a clinical trial published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Fear of recurrence can cause anxiety and related symptoms, so implementing effective and convenient strategies can improve quality of life for survivors of cancer, according […]