Health News

No Flu Season Will Affect Next Year’s Vaccine Prep

Experts predicted that the 2019/20 flu season in the Northern Hemisphere would be a bad one. And then it wasn’t. The COVID-19 pandemic hit, international travel ground to a halt, physical distancing and mask wearing became more common, and the flu went away. Rachel Baker, PhD, who studies public health and infectious disease at Princeton […]

Personal Health

Flu vaccination also protects against other diseases

Whether measles, the flu, or pneumonia: Many of these diseases can be prevented. To the fact Professor Dr. Thomas Weinke, expert for infectious disease Loge at the Klinikum Ernst Bergmann in Potsdam pointed out, the pharmacon in Schladming/Austria. The measles protection act, which was recently decided by the Bundestag ( reported) shows Weinke, according to […]