Health News

Dialysis patients benefit from a third COVID vaccination dose

Just like diseases, vaccines cause the body to form an immunological memory. This memory can prevent a second infection or illness caused by the same pathogen. “Put simply, specific immunity is based on antibodies that prevent infection and on immune cells that can kill infected cells,” explains Professor Nina Babel, head of the Center for […]

Health News

8% of Austrians suffer from pathological insomnia

Chronic insomnia is widespread and leads to generally poor physical and mental health and has a high societal cost. General data on insomnia from Austria, including the help-seeking behaviour of those affected, have been lacking until now. A recent study, led by sleep researcher Stefan Seidel from MedUni Vienna’s Department of Neurology and MedUni Vienna […]

Health News

Stressed teens benefit from coping online, but less is more

Teenagers who spend a few hours online after a stressful experience fare better than those who frequently use this strategy or not at all a Griffith University-led study published in the journal Clinical Psychological Science has found. Researchers from the “How do you feel” project conducted “in vivo” in-the-moment research with adolescents living in low […]

Health News

Distress signal from fat cells prompts heart to shore up defenses against consequences of obesity

A stress signal received by the heart from fat could help protect against cardiac damage induced by obesity, a new study led by UT Southwestern researchers suggests. The finding, published online in Cell Metabolism, could help explain the “obesity paradox,” a phenomenon in which obese individuals have better short- and medium-term cardiovascular disease prognoses compared with those who […]

Health News

Mental health toll from isolation affecting kids on reentry

After two suicidal crises during pandemic isolation, 16-year-old Zach Sampson feels stronger but worries his social skills have gone stale. Amara Bhatia has overcome her pandemic depression but the teen feels worn down, in a state of “neutralness.” Virginia Shipp is adjusting but says returning to normal “is kind of unnormal for me.” After relentless […]

Pet Care

Phoenix Rises from the Ashes and Into a New Home

The second that Rena Lafaille, Director of Administration at the ASPCA Adoption Center, met Phoenix, it was love at first sight.  In December 2020, Rena was helping out around the Adoption Center, when Stanley Seabrooks, Lead Animal Care Technician, intentionally assigned her to Room K, where Phoenix was being housed.  “I know Rena has a […]

Pet Care

Turning Lessons from COVID-19 into Stronger Protections for Animals

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ASPCA found new ways to support pets, their guardians, and other animal welfare organizations by adopting new protocols and positions—including supporting veterinary telemedicine and urging a moratorium on evictions. Sadly, many animals trapped in underregulated systems (like factory farming and the puppy industry) suffered even more than […]