Health News

Climate Change Is Exacerbating North American Pollen Seasons

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Over the past three decades, anthropogenic climate change has contributed to making pollen seasons in North America both longer and more severe, researchers in the U.S. report. Across the continent, pollen seasons advanced by 20 days and lengthened by eight days on average, and pollen concentrations rose by 21%, the […]

Health News

Wealthier people do less in the struggle against climate change

A collective-risk dilemma experiment with members of the public in Barcelona has shown that people are more or less likely to contribute money to fighting climate change depending on their how wealthy they are. And the results indicate that participants with fewer resources were prepared to contribute significantly more to the public good than wealthier […]

Health News

For a lower climate footprint, vegetarian diet beats local

A new study provides a more comprehensive accounting of the greenhouse gas emissions from EU diets. It shows that meat and dairy products are responsible for the lion’s share of greenhouse emissions from the EU diet. The average EU citizen has a food footprint of 1070 kg of CO2 equivalent per year when emissions from […]