Health News

CISA orders federal agencies to take action on cyber vulnerabilities

"Defeating ISIS: What Are The Lessons For the Future," New America/Flickr, licensed under CC BY 2.0 The Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency this week released a binding operational directive this week requiring federal agencies to patch known exploited vulnerabilities carrying “significant risk” to the federal enterprise. The directive also established a catalog of nearly 300 vulnerabilities, each with […]

Health News

What the future holds for HHS-OIG health IT enforcement

The Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services aims to protect the integrity of federal healthcare programs, in addition to the health of beneficiaries.   “In other words,” said HHS-OIG’s Andrew VanLandingham in a recent interview with Healthcare IT News, “our job isn’t to run the programs, but to […]