Health News

New tool assesses how well people read kids’ emotions

Psychology researchers at North Carolina State University have developed and validated a new tool for assessing how accurate people are at recognizing emotion in elementary school-aged children. The technique will facilitate research on understanding emotions of children—and highlights the fact that adults are often wrong when assessing the emotions of children. The new tool for […]

Health News

How a bump on the head can affect your brain for years

Fatigue, migraine, memory loss… How a bump on the head can affect your brain for years – but there is effective treatment for it Michelle Parker remembers little of what happened the day her horse, Flash, headbutted her four years ago — but she is still living with the after-effects. Michelle, 55, doesn’t think she was […]

Health News

How the brain deals with uncertainty

As we interact with the world, we are constantly presented with information that is unreliable or incomplete—from jumbled voices in a crowded room to solicitous strangers with unknown motivations. Fortunately, our brains are well equipped to evaluate the quality of the evidence we use to make decisions, usually allowing us to act deliberately, without jumping […]

Health News

Q and A: How to avoid swimmer’s ear

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My daughter is 7 and has been taking swim lessons this summer. She has been complaining about her ears hurting, and our pediatrician diagnosed her with otitis externa and prescribed eardrops. What is otitis externa, and how do I prevent it in the future? ANSWER: Otitis externa is an infection in the […]

Health News

How should you sleep during pregnancy?

One of the first questions you may ask when you get pregnant is how should you sleep during pregnancy? You may have been told it’s essential to lie on your side during pregnancy, and even warned you could be harming your baby if you lie on your back.  Here, we take a look at the […]

Health News

How watching Frozen could make you reach for the biscuits

How watching Frozen could make you reach for the biscuit tin: Wintry scenes trigger evolutionary craving for calorie-dense food, study claims Watching wintry scenes leads to eat more calorific foods, a study has found Experts believe it triggers our instinct to eat more during winter to survive Adverts should be reevaluated to avoid people eating […]

Health News

How do air purifiers work?

Within this feature, we get into a pressing question: exactly how do air purifiers work? We’re spending a lot more time indoors partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and have a more general concern over the quality of the air we breathe.  A recent United States Environmental Protection Agency report revealed indoor air can have […]