Health News

New insights on a common protein could lead to novel cancer treatments

A new University of Colorado Boulder-led study sheds light on a protein key to controlling how cells grow, proliferate and function and long implicated in tumor development. The findings, published this week in the journal Genes and Development, could lead not only to new therapies for hard-to-treat cancers, but also inform novel treatments for neurological […]

Health News

Nationwide shortage of contraceptive pill could lead to pregnancies

National shortage of contraceptive pills could lead to a wave of unplanned pregnancies, warn experts Several common contraceptive pills have been difficult to get hold of These include combined hormonal pills Loestrin, Cilest and Ovranette   GPs are often unaware of the shortages and still give prescriptions Experts said the shortage, which has got worse in […]

Health News

New lead testing recommendations inconclusive, but do not mean screening

An NYU pediatrician and researcher writes in JAMA Pediatrics that new recommendations on testing children for lead are inconclusive, but do not mean that we should abandon screening children for elevated lead levels. The editorial—written by Michael Weitzman, MD, professor of pediatrics and environmental medicine at NYU School of Medicine and NYU College of Global […]

Health News

Bigger portions lead to preschoolers eating more over time

Preschoolers may not be as good at resisting large portions of everyday foods as was previously thought, according to Penn State researchers. In a study, the researchers examined whether children between the ages of three and five were susceptible to the portion size effect—the tendency of people to eat more when larger portions are served. […]