Personal Health

Anyone who is physically active, less often to the hospital

Adults between 40 and 79 years of age require less lengthy hospital stays and are also meadows and less frequently repeated if you are at work or in their leisure time at least moderately physically active. British researchers have discovered stays in a long-term study under 25.639 adults in middle and older age relationships between […]

Personal Health

So they take up less aluminum

A study of the Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR) comes to the conclusion that for some groups of the population are in danger of harmful amounts of aluminum from food or body care products. To minimize potential health hazards, give the experts tips on how the recording can be reduced. The average intake of […]

Health News

Changing your diet can lift your mood in less than a month

Fresh research has found that just three weeks of healthy eating improves depression symptoms in young adults. The study, published by Australian researchers this week, looked at how changes to 101 young adults’ diets impacted their mental health. Those involved in the study – aged 17 to 35 – many of them university students – […]

Health News

GPs are earning 14% LESS than they were in 2008, reveals study

GPs earn 14% LESS than they did in 2008, reveals study amid nationwide shortage of family doctors Researchers analysed data from surveys collected every two years Doctors used to earn £115,900 but only took home £98,300 in 2017 Their pay has stayed the same despite inflation, researchers found GPs now earn 14 per cent less than […]