Health News

Heavy drinking and HIV don’t mix, study finds

Heavy alcohol consumption (three drinks or more/day for women and four drinks or more/day for men) is linked to alterations in immune function among people with HIV. While it has been known that alcohol impacts immune function, it’s been unclear the effect of alcohol on immune function in the context of HIV, a disease whose […]

Health News

Scientists developing way to help premature babies breathe easier: Study points to possible cell therapy for bronchopulmonary dysplasia

Researchers suggest a possible cell-based therapy to stimulate lung development in fragile premature infants who suffer from a rare condition called Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD), which in the most severe cases can lead to lifelong breathing problems and even death. Scientists at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center report in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical […]

Health News

Molecular chatter makes for a ‘hot tumor’

A Ludwig Cancer Research study has deciphered a complex molecular conversation between cancer and immune cells that is key to orchestrating the successful invasion of tumors by T cells that kill cancer cells. “We show that two key chemokines, CCL5 and CXCL9, are universally implicated in T cell infiltration across all solid tumors,” said George […]

Health News

New ways to generate stem cells more efficiently

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are among the most important tools in modern biomedical research, leading to new and promising possibilities in precision medicine. To create them requires transforming a cell of one type, such as skin, into something of a blank slate, so it has the potential to become virtually any other kind of […]

Health News

Messenger cells bring good news for bone healing

How do bones heal, and how could they heal better? The answer to these questions may lie in a newly discovered population of “messenger” cells, according to a recent USC Stem Cell study published in the journal eLife. “With nearly half a million patients in the U.S experiencing failed bone repair every year, stimulating these […]

Health News

Fishing for cures: New zebrafish model identifies drugs that kill pediatric cancer cells

A new animal model developed by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators promises to be less expensive, easier to use and to improve personalized therapies for cancers and potentially other diseases. In their paper published online in Cell, the investigators describe using their immunodeficient zebrafish model to visualize drug responses at single-cell resolution in live animals. […]